Deploy your react-based website in Firebase

Satya Ranjan
May 9, 2021

Have you developed a website using React JS? Are you now looking for hosting your site online? Then just follow the following simple steps:

  1. Click “Run” in your Windows menu-bar, type “cmd” in the Open box and click OK.
  2. Once the command line opened, go to your root folder of your website. e.g.
cd ../../website/client

3. Install firebase tools globally in the command line at root.

npm install -g firebase-tools

4. Install Firebase:

npm install firebase

5. Log in your Firebase account:

firebase login

6. Initiate Firebase in your project:

firebase init

7. Customize your project information accordingly.

8. Start building your website in Firebase:

npm run build

9. Finally deploy your site in Firebase:

firebase deploy

Voilà!….you have hosted your site and can visit through the link generated by Firebase.



Satya Ranjan

Frontend Web Developer, highly skilled in modern JavaScript, React, Redux, ES6, Bootstrap, MongoDB, MySQL, Git etc.